This is NOT a bank

Take back your financial freedom with corporate
and personal bankless accounts.


You may have seen our founders


But what's a bankless account?

Technology evolves and changes lives. Today, you can finally get benefits similar to the best digital banks (easy transfers, multi-signatures, statements, multi-currencies, debit cards, and more) without the pain.


Only YOU own your money.

Trustyfy is a software, not a bank. We can’t access your money or invest it. Your assets are in YOUR digital wallet(s), and only YOU can use them.

And because it is YOUR digital wallet, you can stop using Trustyfy anytime, without losing your wallet or your assets. It's your money, not ours.



Transfers are immediate and without borders.

You can transfer any sum anywhere in the world within minutes (sometimes seconds). And usually for a fraction of the cost.



Nobody can freeze your account. Not even us.

Your assets are in YOUR digital wallets. We provide easy-to-use software, but we are not a bank. We can’t freeze your assets. Nobody can.



Use it on mobile, desktop, tablet. It works everywhere.

Use what you love best: mobile, desktop, tablet, or a mix of all of them. Connect and manage your assets everywhere. You are in control.



Get corporate wallets and multi-sign.

Create as many corporate wallets as you want with a click. Add your partners, managers, and assistants. Add your bookkeeper in view-only. Add rules for multi-signatures with a click (i.e. more directors should sign to transfer bigger sums.)

Most banks make it painful or impossible. Most crypto wallets ask you to share the secret keys with your team (giving full control of your assets to someone else).

With Trustyfy, it's easy and YOU are in control.

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Share joint wallets with your significant other (and even with your kids.)

Create as many joint wallets as you like. Add your spouse or significant other with a click.

Many users love to create an extra joint account shared with their children – so that they can learn financial responsibility before it's too late.



Spend with a debit card, and get bank details.

Bankless works best with stablecoins and crypto (but no worries, you don’t need any tech knowledge.)

And yet, if you want to buy a pizza (or a car), you probably need dollars, Euros, or other traditional currencies. Good news! Our users can apply for debit cards and bank details, to get the best of both worlds.

* Debit cards and bank details are provided by regulated institutions. You have to apply, and they are not available in every country yet. Still, bankless + traditional banking is a powerful formula, and it becomes easier and more accessible every day.



Track your finances and cashflow in real time.

Track as many wallets as you like, and – when available – bank accounts and debit cards.


Even more tech for crypto users

If you use crypto, or you want to learn the easy way, we offer even more software. If you don’t use crypto … you may still want to have a look (The market is growing as fast as the internet in the 1990s)

Short wallets (“ENS”)

What’s easier to remember?




If you prefer the second (as we do), then Trustyfy is for you.

Choose a nickname you love (the geeky term is “ENS”), and start receiving payments. Easy to share, with less risk of typos, and it's cool!

Calculate your crypto-tax with a click.

Nobody likes taxes. But once you have to pay them, you don’t want to go crazy looking for an expensive specialized accountant, nor to pay a fine.

With Trustyfy, you can calculate crypto taxes with one click – according to your country's rules – and share a PDF with your accountant. Easy!

* Already available in 20+ countries

Use any wallet you like.

Connect Metamask, TrustWallet, or another wallet you like – or create a new decentralized wallet.

Empower them with our add-ons (statements, cash flow, and tracking just to name a few.)

We are a software, not a bank. We don’t want to limit your experiences. In fact, you can have as many personal, joint, and corporate wallets as you want.

And if you don’t like us anymore, just disconnect the wallet(s), and use them somewhere else.

Our Team

elisa_giudici_bwr.jpgElisa GiudiciFounder & CIO
volker_hartzsch_bwr.jpgVolker HartzschFounder & CBO
stefano_tresca_bwr.jpgDr. Stefano TrescaFounder & Chairman
miguel_perez_bwr.jpgMiguel Cobacho PerezCTO
ani_alexander_bwr.jpgAni AlexanderCMO
karen_reilly_320x320.jpgKaren ReillyHead of Compliance & MLRO
blas_pedreno_bwr.jpgBlas Pedreno Esteban Head of Backend Dev
pedro_navarro_bwr.jpgPedro Linares MolinaHead of Frontend Dev
jose_navarro_bwr.jpgJose Luis Vinader NavarroHead of Blockchain Dev
patricia_domingo_bwr.jpgPatricia DomingoHead of Customer Success
james_ovuike_bwr.jpgJames OvuikeLegal Counsel US
yentl_romero_bwr.jpgYentl RomeroCommunity Manager

Advisory Board

sebastian_huth_bwr.jpgSebastian HuthBlockchain Security
enzo_livolti_bwr.jpgEnzo Li VoltiUX/UI


Want a Corporate Account FREE for Life?

Trustyfy is by invitation only until December 2024. Be invited by an existing user and grab your Free Plan or Legacy Plan for Life.

(Legacy Plan with free corporate account and joint account will be discontinued after December 2024)

Or Join the Whitelist

If you don't know any existing users, you can still join the whitelist.


By submitting your email you agree with our policy


Frequently asked questions answered

Are you a bank?

We are not a bank, we are an app. –– With Trustyfy, you can manage external wallets (in geeky language, “decentralized wallets”) – easy, fast, and low-cost – and get all the value-added services (corporate wallets, statements, cashflow tracking, tax calculators, and many more.) Think of us as your one-stop-shop for the freedom economy and financial inclusion. External partners – where present – can empower you with more traditional services, such as debit cards.

Are you a crypto wallet?

We are not a crypto wallet, we are much more interesting than that. –– With Trustyfy, you can use most decentralized wallets – from one to hundreds of them – either created by you with a couple of taps on your mobile, or by famous brands such as MetaMask. Because of our mission within the freedom economy and financial inclusion, we will never force a choice on you (as so many other companies do). Your assets, your choice!

What does “Bankless” mean?

Bankless does NOT mean that you should close your traditional bank account. –– Bankless means more options, not less.
• If you live in a country or social class where (almost) everybody has a bank account, you are in a good place. Feel free to keep most of your assets in a traditional bank. If you want to manage the rest freely in your own wallets, you don’t need to get a headache using complex and geeky crypto wallets. Make it easy with Trustyfy.
• In the rest of the world, 2 billion people are unbanked. Even in the US, there are 21.5 million people unbanked or underbanked. This is where Trustyfy can boost financial inclusions. Our software makes decentralized wallets easy to use. And, in the longer run, we can bring easy and fair partners for banking services to the unbanked population.

What happens if I don’t like you anymore (or vice versa)?

We may be heartbroken, but nothing bad can happen to you. –– We don’t have access to your assets (the phrase in legalese is “We are not custodians”). It’s your wallet, not ours. Just stop using Trustyfy and use your wallet somewhere else. If you are not a techie, don’t worry. It’s easy, and we’ll help you. Yes, we’ll help you to leave us. In a time of greedy companies, it may sound unusual – but that’s exactly what the Freedom Economy is about.

Is this app for individuals or companies?

We empower both individuals and companies (and families with joint wallets.) -- In the old crypto wallets, you had one set of secret keys. If you shared it with your personal assistant, she/he would get full access to your entire fortune. With Trustyfy, you can manage corporate wallets with your partners and teams, and joint wallets with your spouse or significant other. The technical word is “multi-signature”. And you can easily create rules (for example, “All payments over 1,000 USDC need 2 signatures”), or share your wallets in “View Only” (for example, your bookkeepers can view, but they can’t send or receive money.) Your assets, your rules!
The Trustyfy app and services are provided by Trustyfy UAB and by TFY Inc. in the United States. Trustyfy is a technological platform, and it does not provide any financial services, advisory, or brokerage services. It does not hold, collect, or transfer assets, nor does it collect or store private keys, backup phrases, or passwords. Debit cards, bank details, and other services – where available – are provided by third-party regulated companies. Always check their terms and conditions before applying for their services.

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